Meet and greet with Bec! | Coorong Realty

Meet and greet with Bec!

Meet and greet with Bec!

Meet and greet with Bec!

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Welcome Bec!
As previously communicated to you, we are expanding our team.  We’re excited to have Bec Thrussell join us as your Property Solutions Manager.  With over 11 years in the real estate industry, Bec has been a Property Manager for 7 years. She knows property management and is here to look after your investment.
Get to know Bec at our meet and greet

Please join us for drinks and nibbles to welcome Bec. No need to RSVP, we’d just love to see at one of our two meet and greets.
Tailem Bend: 93A Railway Terrace (Boardroom)
Tuesday 11th October 4-6pm
Meningie: 71-73 Princes Highway
Wednesday 12th October 4-6pm
Bec is a licensed Property Manager, meaning she is well equipped with all aspects of your investment property including the perfect tenant selection, maintenance, legislation, and the myriad of other components to letting your property.
Our team look forward to seeing you there!


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