Where to stay at Wellington? Check out River-Life - Holiday Accommodation right on the rivers edge. | Coorong Realty

Where to stay at Wellington? Check out River-Life - Holiday Accommodation right on the rivers edge.

Where to stay at Wellington?  Check out River-Life - Holiday Accommodation right on the rivers edge.

Where to stay at Wellington? Check out River-Life - Holiday Accommodation right on the rivers edge.

Holiday Accommodation at Wellington

An Investment in Family

Finding an investment his whole family can enjoy, tradie, Daniel Novotny of Precise Plaster, Hallett Cove, joins the ever-growing number of investors looking to the Coorong for lifestyle and higher than average financial returns.

Slowly renovating and building their property portfolio over thirteen years, Daniel and his wife Anastasia, have quietly ventured into the lucrative Holiday Rental business.

Naming their third property investment River-Life, and with the expectations of high occupancy as fast laps of The Bend Motorsport Park circuits begin, the Novotny family now spend their spare time on the river at Placid Estates, south of Tailem Bend, South Australia.

“We’ve done very well from our property investments, but it’s been a lot of hard, after-hours work to get where we are today and finally Anastasia and I have found an investment our whole family can enjoy – even Ella our Boxer,” Daniel said.

Where to stay at Wellington - River Life Holiday Accommodation

Cultivating an understanding and passion for the river with his grandfather in Paringa, near Renmark in the Riverland, Daniel has always enjoyed the calming effect of the river.

“I’ve always dreamed of my family living on the Murray, I suppose that’s why I’ve always owned a Ski Boat – Anastasia and I can’t wait to end up retired on the river.”

Holiday accommodation at Wellington

River View

Holiday Accommodation at Wellington

River View

Holiday Accommodation at Wellington

Living Room

Daniel likes to relax, but his need for speed isn’t limited to the river, he’s also busily setting up his 1970 Ford Capri for the Drag Strip.

“A lot of my mates are into racing and drag racing so investing in the Coorong near The Bend Motorsport Park was a no brainer,” Daniel said. “Coorong Realty looks after all the marketing, management and cleaning of River-Life, I just look after the lawns as an excuse to fish and relax – but I didn’t expect the lawn to grow so fast at Placid Estate.”

With bookings at River-Life steady and The Bend Motorsport Park events increasing, Daniel and Anastasia are ready to move onto their next project – building something new this time, close as they can afford to the Adelaide CBD.

For more details about River-Life contact Coorong Realty on 8572 4555.


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