Where to live in Wellington? Here are the 5 reasons to invest in Wellington East!
5 Reasons to Invest in Wellington East!
We are completely biased, and proud locals, but we think that Wellington East is an investment hot spot!
#1. You live, eat, sleep and breathe Motorsport
If you love, eat, sleep and breathe motorsport, there has never been a better time invest in Wellington East because it is so close to the new SA Motorsport Park, #TheBend.
#TheBend is a new multi-disciplinary motorsports arena that will host all forms of international motorsport. And, its open! Now!
#2. You want cheap infrastructure
All Australian’s are feeling the pain of rising power, energy and infrastructure costs. At Wellington East, you have the choice to make decisions about what you pay for infrastructure by choosing live off grid, partially on grid or totally on grid. The choice is yours.
#3. You want lifestyle choices
The lifestyle at Wellington East is truly special. Living at Wellington East gives you year round access to spectacular Wellington Marina for sailing, skiing, boating, kayaking and canoeing.
#4. You want job opportunities
The Murraylands region in South Australia is experiencing an economic boom, with a number of major developments well underway that promise long term, sustainable jobs. Key projects include #TheBend, The Solar Farm @ Tailem Bend, The Ingham Chicken Farm at KiKi and the rebuilding of Thomas Foods Factory in Murray Bridge.
#5. You can afford it!
Imagine living waterside, year round, with walking trails and space for the kids.
At Wellington East, unserviced (off grid) blocks start at $45,000 and range upwards to $230,000 for fully serviced allotments.